Thursday, March 12, 2009

Six Words

JT and I hung out for pretty much the whole day yesterday. We attended a taping of "The Hour" and then stuffed our faces with sushi at Hosu. I gotta say, hands down, Hosu has the best sushi in the city.

After putting away our chopsticks, we took a walk over to the gigantic Chapters store that resides at the corner of Richmond St. & John St. JT and I are huge book lovers so we were in there for quite a while.

JT came across this little book sitting next to a book I had picked up. The book she discovered was called "Six-Word Memoirs on Love & Heartbreak".

I put down Obama's Inauguration and picked up Six Words. The first page I randomly flipped to read "Married by Elvis. Divorced by Friday."

Oh wow did that ever hit close to home.

For the next few minutes, JT and I read aloud the words that moved us. And a few minutes after that JT had purchased several copies of the book, one of which was gifted to moi.

We sat in Second Cup after that, each reading our copy of the book. And as we sat there reading and sipping our vanilla bean lattes, JT's phone rang. It was her ex-husband. And he had six words for her.

"We are just signing the papers."

JT has been held hostage by her ex for the last 2 years. After they split she moved out, he stayed in the marital home. The agreement was she'd sign over the title to him, as long as he secured financing to take over the entire mortgage. She signed, he lost his job but neglected to tell JT that minor detail. JT started getting phone calls from the bank wondering where the mortgage payments were. Her ex assured her he'd take care of it. A year and half of broken promises later, JT retained counsel and the ex was forced to do the right thing and sell the house.

That phone call was him informing her that the house was indeed sold.

Cue the Hallelujah chorus!

We high-fived, we shook, we shimmied. We went for drinks. I watched JT grin ear to ear. I was so happy to have been there for that moment. I took pictures! It was fantastic!!

We parted ways - she off to tell her boyfriend the good news in person, me off to my couch where I've been falling asleep to the TV over the last several weeks.

I had a dream last night about my ex husband. We were in Mexico. I think we'd arrived there separately. And when we saw each other, we fell in love all over again. He was kind and nice and gentle. I could tell that time had passed and he had healed. We laughed. We embraced. We made love. I told him how much I missed him and how I'd never stopped loving him.

And when I woke up this morning, confusion set in for those first moments of consciousness. And then six words came to my mind.

"In my dreams, you are perfect."

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