Wednesday, August 19, 2009

New Mantra

Calm down and carry on.

My DT told me this yesterday after having read my last post, and after having listened to me freak out on the phone for about 45 minutes.

I also talked to my sister-in-law last night about the same subject and she gave me the same advice - not in the same words - but absolutely the same sentiment.

I still haven't heard from Mr. Lone Ranger. And I decided to myself this morning that if by some miracle he does contact me again, I will simply let him know that I expect more. I'm certainly not expecting he contact me 10 times a day. But I do expect that if I call or email him, he calls or emails me back in a timely manner, i.e. within several hours instead of 72 hours. If he isn't willing to give me at least that, then he can gladly show himself the door.

As Steve Harvey so expertly wrote in his book "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man", women have to set standards. If a man won't live up to your standards, then cut him loose.

And that's what I intend to do.

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