Monday, August 18, 2008


Salt & Pepper met up with me for sushi dinner last night. This was our first date since he got back from his business trip to St. Louis.

As on our last two dates, the conversation was fun and funny. I really like talking to him. And he always laughs at my jokes. He thinks I'm freaking hilarious!

We had a really good conversation rolling when all of a sudden it takes a huge turn and hits a wall. He told me he had an epiphany in that he hates his job and wants to make a change. So he's starting the process to secure a contract job in Kazakhstan.


It took me more than a few moments to really register where the hell Kazakhstan is. In case you don't have your world map handy, that's near and around Russia.

Apparently his house mate's sister has a project management contract at this company in Kazakhstan which pays a ridiculous amount of money and she works alternating months. So one month she's working her tail off, and the month off she spends travelling around.

My heart dropped into my stomach and my brain started to scream. OF COURSE the only decent guy who is showing me a slight interest is going to run away. To Russia. OF COURSE!

I put on my best smiley face and told him to go for it. So we spent the rest of the night playing the fun game of "I wonder if they have (insert item name here) in Kazakhstan?"

Is it really too much to ask to have a guy land in my life that is kind, nice, attractive (to me of course) and who is going to STAY on the CONTINENT?! I'm starting to wonder if it is too much to ask for...

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