Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Douche Bag

I went last night. We ate at a bar and he talked and talked and talked. I didn't say very much as I didn't want to give him the idea I was falling in love with him. I didn't try to make any physical contact either. He noticed on both counts. He kept asking me why I was quiet. He moved closer to me in our booth and linked his arm around mine.

When we got back to his place, we settled into our PJs and onto the couch to watch a movie. About 2 minutes in, he fell asleep. I woke him up about an hour later and suggested we go to bed.

And then in bed, we slept. No real kissing, not much of anything really.

Waking up this morning wasn't the greatest either. I was kissing him and he basically told me to get off. So I rolled over. He asked me if I was mad. I said no, I was just respecting his request and removing myself from his vicinity.

Parting ways for work was met with a little peck.

I think this is done.

Back to the couch and the cat...

1 comment:

Amy B said...

he sounds like a farquing asshat.

you don't need to involve yourself with yet another totally self-centred mentally abusive idiot.

move on and don't waste time on a lost (and retardedly stupid asshole douchebag loser) cause.