Thursday, September 4, 2008

Quiz? No

I went to Quiznos for lunch yesterday. I walked in and the place was packed. And as I looked around for a seat, I noticed that absolutely everyone there was male.

Every last one of them. All ages and shapes and sizes. All MEN.

And not one of them gave me a second glance.

I almost started laughing out loud. But I kept it inside my head. To borrow a line from Hairspray, I could have done a fan dance with a lettuce leaf and no one would have noticed.

This situation exactly illustrates why it's so damn hard for me to find anyone. For some reason, I manage to slip into a pocket of invisibility. Or I'm projecting a huge FU all of the time. Which I don't think I'm doing. My friend John said that I project the vibe that I'm already taken. That observation I totally don't get.

At any rate, it was rather interesting sitting in a restaurant full of men and not once feeling ogled. And as much as women complain they don't want to be treated like sex objects, we all secretly love it when it does happen.

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