Friday, February 6, 2009

LSD and Lesbians

The more I hang out with ChefGeoff, the more I like him. This folks, is a tremendous departure from what usually happens when I met someone. I think there may be some chemistry happening!

Dinner last night was at a local Mexican restaurant. Arrival time was 5:30pm, and he was already waiting for me. Punctuality is a lost art form these days and definitely doesn't go unnoticed by me.

We drank Sol, munched on the free tortillas & dip and started talking. And talking, and talking, and talking. We eventually ordered from a waiter that Geoff swears was a dude who could drink beer through his nose.

I can't begin to tell you all of the topics we covered, but it was the spectrum. There were a few things he divulged that I think required a lot of trust. One of the things I pride myself on is the fact that people generally trust me within a very short period of time. And it looks like Geoff is no exception. :)

He told me he used to dabble in hallucinogenic candies such as LSD. He described his hilarious first experience with it. I told him I've never done drugs and he was shocked to pieces. I usually get that reaction - probably because people figure I must have done something in the past to damage my brain just enough to be the wacky lady you know and love today. :P

Another tidbit he shared was his belief that his mother is a lesbian. His parents divorced a few years ago after 30+ years of marriage. His theory - she's been a closet lezbot all these years and she's finally stepped a little closer to the closet door by leaving his father. He told me he would never ask her, and they've never discussed it, but he's pretty sure the "friend" she takes on vacations with her is mowing his mother's lawn.

About half way through our meal (he had enchiladas, I had nachos), I suddenly felt sick. My tummy got all twisted and it really felt like I was about to explode. I quickly excused myself to the ladies room.

Without grossing you out, everything I'd just eaten came right back out, loudly. I don't know if I was having a bad reaction to the beef on the nachos (I'd had beef a few days earlier with the same effect), or if it was my nerves finally rearing their ugly heads. Whatever the reason, I was praying that no one would come into the washroom until I left.

When I got back to the table, I glanced at my watch and it was around 7pm. We chatted some more and then he excused himself to the washroom. I looked at my watch again, and it read 9:13pm! Honestly, I thought I'd been back at the table for about 20 minutes but had been over TWO HOURS! WOW.

We got the cheque shortly thereafter, which he picked up, and made our way to the subway. I was only riding one stop with him so it was a short goodbye. He hugged me and asked if we could get together next week. Yay!

By the time I got home, there was a text message waiting from him, thanking me for the great night. I replied with my own thanks and asked him to call me sometime.

I'm trying not to get excited about him so I don't end up being disappointed. But I think he's got great potential.

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