Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Till Death?

Boy came over after work and we decided to order pizza, pick up some wine and watch TV. I had to stop at the grocery store to grab some bread and other life sustaining items.

While we were there, he decided he needed to buy his own bath soap. Apparently, my body wash is too girly smelling for his tastes. As he was picking out his soap, he asked me if I had done laundry, i.e. did I throw his clothes in there as well. I indicated that I had in fact did his laundry.

"We're so married now. I'm moving in."

Huh. Yeah.

We continued walking up and down the aisles and I'm not sure how it happened, but I asked him if he were to have children, more specifically a son, would that son be named after him. Boy is already the III. Boy's son would be the IV. So I asked him if I were to have his son, could I give him some other middle names.

"Sure, as long as my first, middle and last name appear in there somewhere."

I told him that I wanted my father's name in there, as well as my last name.

"Sure, no problem."

Uh huh.

These kinds of conversations are really weird coming from a guy who is adamant about the fact that WE ARE NOT TOGETHER!

He's such a strange bird.

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