Saturday, January 10, 2009


Facebook sure has brought a ton of people back into my life, even in a limited profile sort of way. One of those people who has popped up was a guy I went to elementary school with named Eddie B.

I was in LOVE with him in Grade 5. We "went out" for a few days and then he dumped me for my friend Elana. I was heart broken. For years after, he would make fun of me, calling me ugly and stuff.

Even as we went on to high school, he hung with the "cool kids" and I apparently was too much of a loser for him to even acknowledge my presence, never mind admit that was once I was his "girlfriend".

I got a friend request last week from him. So I added him, expecting he would be non communicative like 3/4 of the others on my friend list. About 10 minutes after I added him, he sent me an email asking me what I've been up to in the 15 years since high school. I filled him in, including the fact that I am divorced. He wrote me back, divorced as well + 2 kids. At the end of the email he asked me out for drinks sometime.

I had a true laugh-out-loud moment as I read that. He never spoke to me in high school and now 15 years later he wants some quality one-on-one time? Yeah right. That smacks of desperation. Oh, and he's fat now too.

I love karma.

1 comment:

Amy B said...

My sister always tells me to stop holding these weird grudges that I hang onto from my elementary and high school days but I'm the same as you, I can't help but feel a LITTLE happy when karma catches up with people who were so awful to me. One girl I went to high school with who actually used to physically push me around and stuff got jilted at the altar. Had a huge laugh about that one, still brings a smile to my face. Another is now going through a messy split with her husband. I know no one is perfectly nice to everyone all the time, and maybe there are people who grin when I have a rough time, but oh well. For the moment, it feels good when bad things happen to bad people.